How we do it
At Pangolin Solutions we pride ourselves on providing professional services through years of experience in this space, but how we engage is what differentiates us:
- We engage with customers to develop our relationship as a, trusted advisor
- We demonstrate potential value of our solutions that strengthen our offering
- We create vision to business, because we know our product
- We take control of the opportunities & drive Customers forward
- We have a competent team who can deliver value-based implementations

Consulting Services
It’s not just about selling solutions, we need to add value and prove value through the following engagements:
- Information Assessments
- Strategic Workshops
- Value Consulting
- Health Checks

Professional Services
We use industry best practice project management methodologies, but its more than just a methodology, it’s about being:
- Adaptive
- Visualize the outcome
- Manage expectations
- Act now
- Think F.A.A.S.T
- Collective Wisdom
- Stay Engaged

Pangolin Technical Support is dedicated to helping you maximize the return on your customers’ technology investment by offering a complete support system designed to meet their business needs across a diverse set of business application areas. Pangolin Support focuses on compressing the time frame from issue inception to resolution while providing a remarkable service experience.
Solutions on a
different scale
different scale
- Financial Services
- Insurance
- Mining & Manufacturing
- Government
- Human Resources
- Accounting
- Legal
- Insurance
- Mining & Manufacturing
- Government
- Human Resources
- Accounting
- Legal
Contact us
Tel. +27 60 973 9024
For Demos
We offer a range a customized demos for you to view the software offering and evaluate it yourself. To book a demo: